We help companies close the distance between their brand identities (how they wish to be perceived) and their brand images (how they are actually perceived).  This includes aligning the full scope of a company's operations with its brand promise.  

Over more than 25 years, we have helped some of the world’s most iconic brands create new products, expand global markets, and protect their brand values. 


Crisis can test any organization.  We help companies manage crisis and other threats to shareholder value.  

We provide clients with a crisis response team that operates from a strategic plan.  Our plans focus on preserving shareholder value, protecting key assets, and recovering brand integrity.  

NGRC is a global leader in crisis management, and we maintain ongoing confidential engagements with numerous corporations and political leaders.




Chrysler 1995

We were retained by Chrysler to help launch its new "minivan" concept automobile.  An important part of our approach was to  work with Congress, regulators, advocacy groups, and other stakeholders to require use of child safety seats (an important feature in the minivan marketing campaign) under federal regulations.


ferrari, Spa, 2014

We worked with Italy-based Ferrari-Masseratti to expand its market in China through partnerships with local dealers.  



Professional Janitorial Services (PJS) of Houston retained us to end a decade-long campaign against the company by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU).  We developed a plan that resulted in bankruptcy of the union's Texas chapter after a multi-million dollar payment to PJS, and an end to the union campaign.



We were retained by the nation's leading avionics and reservation systems operator to expand its market in China.  We developed China-based marketing strategies, created sales channels with China's state-owned enterprises (SOEs), and established sales communications with China's critical agencies to make sales possible.


cato institute 2011

The Cato Institute retained SMG to manage board dissension and external pressures that threatened to undermine the nation's leading Libertarian organization.  We helped the board resolve its internal differences, eliminate the pressures, and set a new path to build on its powerful brand.


Generic pharmaceutical manufacturers 1997-2007

We were retained by numerous generic drug manufacturers through the 1990s and 2000s to help bring their lower-priced products to market.  We also created GenericsYes!, the industry's first multimedia marketing platform, created the industry's national association, and directed dozens of industry marketing, public affairs, and litigation strategies.  

We are credited with helping the industry increase its national marketshare for prescription medications from 42% in 1997 to over 90% today.


SAM'S CLUB, 1995-2005

Wal-Mart relied on us to develop its marketing strategies for Sam's Club, its new warehouse club concept.  We helped the company recruit 5 million small business owners, and managed its consumer and corporate communications. 


EICC 2011-14

The world's leading technology companies retained us to develop the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition (EICC), an international association to protect brand values by improving conditions in the industry's global supply chains.  We managed the association until it became a self-sustaining organization in 2014, and developed all of its product stewardship and supply chain responsibility programs relating to "conflict minerals," and environmental and labor practices.


wal-mart stores, 1995-2005

We served as the national public relations firm of record for War-Mart Stores during its rise to become the world's largest retailer.  We also helped the company develop marketing strategies for SAM's Club, its new membership concept store, including to recruit 5 million new small business members.



Europe's second-largest aerospace company retained us to help win a $7 billion contract for specialty cargo aircraft with the U.S. military.


international anti-counterfeiting coalition 1998-2003

Global companies retained us to defend their brands against counterfeits, diversion and resale, and organized retail theft. We created retail strategies for infant formula, grooming product, and other manufacturers, worked with global retailers to establish anti-diversion and anti-theft protocols, and worked with Congress and federal agencies to improve trade protections against brand theft.



We were retained by American Airlines to manage a pending pilot's strike.  The threat of a strike was costing the company millions of dollars daily because consumers were "booking away," and the company's multi-billion dollar planned purchase of new aircraft was jeopardized.

Our mission was to prevent the strike, and to help leaders mitigate impacts on the company's global operations and finances.  Our successful strategies helped the airline enter a new era of expansion and modernization. 



The leading innovator of email database management hired us to make "opt-in" marketing the gold standard for online retailers and direct-mail operators.  Our strategies increased the company's value in advance of a sale to Italy-based Seat Pagine Gialle SpA.